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CEDAW Committee questions and NZ Government answers now available


The (unofficial) record of the NZ Government's recent presentation to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women is now available. Concerns raised by the panel's 23 experts included the collection of data on family and...

Scottish Government allocates £34.5m to ending violence against women


The Scottish Government ahas allocated £34.5 million over the three years to 2015 to increase the support available to women who have experienced domestic or sexual violence. The money will be distributed to 138 projects. Health Secretary Nicola...

Concerns at comedian child sexual abuse resentencing


Rape Prevention Education Whakatu Mauri and the Auckland Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children have expressed concern about comments made in relation to the comedian being resentenced for sexually abusing his 4 year old daughter. Judge Mark...

Second independent monitoring report on ACC sensitive claims released


The second independent monitoring report on ACC's progress in implementing a series of recommendations on claims in relation to sexual abuse has been released. The recommendations were made by the 2010 Sensitive Claims Clinical Pathway Review Panel...

CEDAW Committee reviews gender equity in New Zealand


The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women will review the situation for women in New Zealand on 18 July 2012. Family and sexual violence have been highlighted as key areas of concern. The report...

Children with disabilities almost four times more likely to experience violence


Children with disabilities are almost four times more likely to experience violence than those without disabilities, according to a review commissioned by the United Nations World Health Organisation (WHO). "Findings from the review, published today...

Auckland Plan targets reduction in family violence


The Auckland Plan sets out the strategic direction for Auckland for the next 30 years. The plan recognises that Auckland Council has a role to play in preventing family and whānau violence, sexual violence and violence against women and children....

New Australian research on child sexual abuse and subsequent offending and victimisation


This Australian Institute of Criminology study investigated whether a  disproportionate number of child sexual abuse (CSA) victims subsequently perpetrate offences and experience future victimisation compared with people who have not been sexually...

Primary prevention of sexual violence survey now online


The Preventing Sexual Violence in Aotearoa New Zealand Survey is now online. Te Ohaakii A Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST) (Tauiwi Caucus) is carrying a survey of any community group, NGO, or state sector agency...

Submissions on alternative proposals for sexual violence trials close soon


Submissions to the Law Commission on alternative proposals for sexual violence trials close on Friday 27 April. Background information is available in our previous news item here. Sexual violence agencies have broadly supported the Law Commission’s...

Sexual violence primary prevention funding round open


The Ministry of Justice’s contestable funding round to help providers across New Zealand to deliver sexual violence primary prevention services is now open. Funding is available for general sexual violence primary prevention initiatives for up to 12...

Comment on release of 2011 crime statistics


In an interview on 2 April 2012, Deputy Police Commissioner Mike Bush indicated that 2011 crime statistics show a “levelling off” of family violence reports (listen here). If this in fact reflects a reduced level of family violence in the community...

Regional Hui on Family and Sexual Violence Prevention - Auckland


Auckland Council and the Ministry of Social Development are co-hosting a hui on Family and Sexual Violence Prevention on 2 March 2012. Information about the hui, including background information and papers, is now available on the Clearinghouse...

Police to use new family violence risk assessment tools


New Zealand Police has announced that the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) tool will be part of a new family violence situational reporting process which takes an evidence-based approach to information-gathering and risk assessment....

Welcome to our new Manager / Community Lead


Our new Manager/Community Lead, Nicola Paton, started at the Clearinghouse this week. Nicola has worked in family violence and sexual violence services in Australia and New Zealand. She has also worked with refugee and migrant communities and in...

Cost of child abuse and neglect rival other major public health problems in the US


A recent CDC study found the total lifetime estimated financial costs associated with just one year of confirmed cases of child maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and neglect) is approximately US$124 billion. These...

Call to reinstate Taskforce for Action on Sexual Violence


Dr Kim McGregor, Executive Director, Rape Prevention Education is calling for the Taskforce on Sexual Violence to be reinstated in an open letter to the Prime Minister. The taskforce was previously operational for just two years (2007-2009) and...

Recent research focuses on the role of restorative justice in family violence


Two pieces of recent New Zealand research have considered the role of restorative justice in family violence. Australian-based researchers examined viewpoints of New Zealand opinion leaders regarding the use of restorative justice in adult cases of...

CDC releases National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence: 2010 Summary Report


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have released the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2010 Summary Report. The report finds sexual violence, stalking and intimate partner violence are widespread in the United...

Factors associated with recent intimate partner violence: findings from WHO multi-country study


 This paper drawing on research from the WHO multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence sought to identify factors that are consistently associated with abuse across sites, in order to inform the design of IPV prevention programs.  ...