Website search results

Launch of survivor helpline and poster campaign in Rape Awareness Week (6-12 May)


Rape Awareness Week (RAW) is running this year from 6th to 12th May. It has  two key focuses: raising awareness of sexual violence in the community and media, and promoting services for survivors around the country. The theme is “This is coercion –...

New round of bullying funding open


Round Two of Te Punanga Haumaru Fund opened on 2 April 2013. It closes on Friday 24 May. The Fund aims to support community-wide commitment to addressing bullying of children and young people from 0 to 19. It emphasises the role that families and...

Results from NZFVC user survey


Thank you to all who responded to the Clearinghouse User Survey we carried out in November 2012. It provided valuable feedback which is informing our future planning and development. Key results include: 441 people completed the survey. 26.8% of...

International Women's Day - calls for action to end violence against women


On International Women's Day, the Auckland Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children has highlighted backwards steps for women in New Zealand. These include the Family Court reforms currently before Select Committee. Spokesperson Leonie Morris...

NZ Government commits to action to end violence against women and girls


A record 6000 NGO and government delegates are attending the 57th UN Commission on the Status of Women meeting in New York. Webcasts are available here. Women's Affairs Minister Jo Goodhew announced New Zealand's pledge under the UN Women initiative...

UN Commission on the Status of Women focuses on violence against women and girls


The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls is the key theme for the fifty-seventh session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). This will take place at UN Headquarters in New York from 4-...

Paula Bennett takes ministerial responsibility for sexual violence


Ministerial responsibility for the sexual violence sector has been taken on by Social Development Minister Paula Bennett. This is the first time it has been held by one minister; responsibility has previously been split between government ministers...

CDC releases data on interpersonal and sexual violence by sexual orientation


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released the first set of prevalence data for the United States on intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual violence (SV), and stalking victimisation by sexual orientation for lesbian, gay...

US national taskforce releases report on children exposed to violence


The US Attorney General’s National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence has presented its final report and policy recommendations. The report highlights the importance of identifying children who are victims or witnesses of violence and...

Report & papers from international experts meeting on primary prevention released


International experts have highlighted the "unprecedented evidence and practice base" that has emerged on the primary prevention of violence against women and girls in recent years. They emphasise that it provides "concrete guidance on the...

Specialist sexual violence service funding campaign launched


The Green Party has launched a new campaign to highlight under-resourcing and the need for better access to specialist services for survivors of rape and sexual abuse. 'Everyone needs the right help' campaign spokesperson Jan Logie said, "No single...

Auckland Council's Long Term Plan live


Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan has been made public. The parts most relevant to family and sexual violence are highlighted below (thanks to Auckland Council for this information): Volume Two includes community safety and wellbeing. It also states...

Auckland Council workshop presentations now available


The presentations are now available from the 'Introduction to Auckland Council' workshop held for the family and sexual violence sectors on 24/10/12. The workshop was developed to provide the sectors with a broad introduction to Auckland Council....

New UK domestic violence definition includes coercive control


The UK Home Office has annouced it will expand the definition of domestic violence to include 'coercive control' and to cover people 16 years of age and older. The change is to the official definition of domestic violence used across government...

Preventing sexual revictimisation report released


The Ministry of Women's Affairs has released its report, 'Lightning Does Strike Twice: Preventing sexual revictimisation'. Key findings include that sexual revictimisation is common; sexual revictimisation often co-occurs with other forms of...

Family violence, sexual assault - going up or down?


The New Zealand Herald has reported an apparent drop in child abuse, based on Child Youth and Family data. However, interviewed for the article, Clearinghouse Co-Director Dr Janet Fanslow emphasised that both Child Youth and Family and NZ Police...

Recommendations for sexual offence trials not to be implemented: Judith Collins


Judith Collins has said recommendations made by the Law Commission for changes to trial processes in sexual offences will not be implemented. The investigation of alternative court processes has involved research and consultation with politicians,...

New Zealand urged to do more to support women in the Pacific


The New Zealand Government has been asked whether it is doing enough to support women in Pacific countries following the recent Pacific Islands Forum held in the Cook Islands. Across the region, about two thirds of women have been assaulted by a...

CEDAW Committee Concluding Observations on New Zealand now available


The CEDAW Committee has published Concluding Observations from its recent review of New Zealand. The section on violence against women is below: Violence against women "22. The Committee takes note of the measures taken by the State party to...

Comedian convicted for sexual asault, but concerns remain


The comedian who sexually assualted his 4 year old daughter has been convicted and sentenced to 8 months home detention. Sexual violence agencies expressed concerned that the man was not mandated to attend a specialist sex offender treatment...