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New sexual violence bystander intervention posters available for use


Sexual Abuse Support and Healing (SASH) Nelson has produced a series of sexual violence bystander intervention posters (see below). The posters are adapted from the US Make your Move Missoula campaign. SASH Nelson is happy for other organisations to...

Death reviews lead to call for "radical change" in response to dangerous family violence


The Family Violence Death Review Committee's (FVDRC) fourth report urges support services and society in general to take "more responsibility for preventing abusers from using violence, rather than expecting the victims of family violence to keep...

Vulnerable Children Bill passes into legislation


The Vulnerable Children Bill passed its third reading in Parliament on 19 June 2014. The Vulnerable Children Bill places new, legislated responsibility for protecting and improving the lives of vulnerable children on the heads of NZ Police and the...

Legislation criminalises forced marriage in UK


The UK has passed legislation making it a criminal offence to force someone to marry. A forced marriage is a marriage that takes place without the full and free consent of both parties. It is not the same as an arranged marriage where the families...

Domestic violence information available in Easy Read and New Zealand Sign Language


Lobby and advocacy group Auckland Domestic Violence and Disability (DVD) has published Easy Read and New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) versions of their Domestic Violence and Disabled People booklet. The booklet was New Zealand’s first written...

New publications summarise what works to prevent violence


The Global Programme to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls project has published five new papers summarising the current state of knowledge on what works to prevent violence.  The project aims to build knowledge on what works to prevent...

Distribution of $10.4 million for specialist sexual violence services


The Ministry of Social Development has announced how the $10.4 million in new operating funding for sexual violence services over the next two years will be distributed. The funding will be targeted in two tranches: 1. Community-based harmful sexual...

New sexual violence prevention campaign launched: "Are you that someone?"


A new sexual violence prevention campaign was launched by Social Development Minister Paula Bennett on 13 June 2014. The campaign is focussed on equipping young people (aged 16-21) with the confidence and knowledge to speak up and step in to keep...

First Glenn Inquiry report released


The Glenn Inquiry has released its first report, which records the experiences of the Inquiry's approximately 500 participants. The participants include "women and men who grew up living with child abuse and neglect, sexual abuse and/or domestic...

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Sunday 15 June


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is being marked on 15 June 2014. Age Concern says "Elder Abuse Awareness Week, 15-22 June is our chance to raise awareness in our communities that elder abuse does happen in New Zealand, and that it is...

Ministers attend international gatherings


A Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict is being held in London on 10-13 June 2014. It follows the launch of the Declaration of Commitment to End Sexual Violence in Conflict at the UN in September 2013. Said to be the biggest global...

Updates on the 'Roast Busters'


The Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) released its report into information provided to media by the Police in relation to the 'Roast Busters' on 22 May 2014. IPCA found that a systemic breakdown in communication by Police led to inaccurate...

New national Australian research organisation on violence against women and children launched


Australia’s new National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) was officially launched in Sydney on 16 May 2014. ANROWS is an initiative under Australia’s National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022. It is...

VAWNet updates special collection on violence in the lives of the Deaf or hard of hearing


A Special Collection on violence experienced by individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing has been updated by the US National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet). Special Collections collate selected resources on a specific...

European treaty on violence against women to become binding


A European treaty specifically on violence against women and domestic violence will become binding on 1 August 2014. The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, known as the "Istanbul...

Call for a National Women’s Health Strategy


Women's Health Action has called for the development of a National Women’s Health Strategy in Aotearoa New Zealand. A discussion document released by Women’s Health Action cites the World Health Organisation: “To achieve the highest standard of...

Latest Better Public Services results: Crime rate continues to fall


Justice sector Better Public Services results for reducing crime and reoffending have been released for the quarter to December 2013. These show the most significant reduction since June 2011. All quarterly results can be dowloaded from the Ministry...

Justice symposium discusses domestic, family and sexual violence


A "Leading Justice" Symposium was held in Wellington on 29 April 2014. Justice Minister Judith Collins invited local and international experts to discuss a "10 year horizon" vision on justice and crime issues. The symposium included discussion of...

Rape Crisis and Male Survivors collaborate on Rape Awareness Weeek posters


Rape Awareness Week (RAW) is being marked from 1-7 May 2014. This year, Rape Crisis has partnered with Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse on a poster campaign “Break the Silence - End Sexual Violence - What will you do?” The posters can be viewed on...

$10 million funding boost for sexual violence services


The government has announced a $10 million funding boost for sexual violence services over the next two years. The sector has been in crisis due to lack of funding, increased demand, and resignation of specialists due to burn-out. The extra funding...