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Whare Maori - COVID-19 archive


This page is an archive of items previously posted in Te Whare Māori hei manaaki i ngā whānau i te wā o te mate urutā COVID-19 Pou Kōrero Ngā kohinga kōrero me ngā uiui hei tautoko i ngā whānauConversations, interviews & commentaries to...

Community engagement on a National Strategy and Action Plans


The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse website is bringing together information related to family, whānau and sexual violence during COVID-19. Ngā Wai a te Tūī Māori and Indigenous Research Centre is working to bring together information and...

Advocate and Worker Wellbeing


Click here to go to our other COVID-19 pages   Advocates and staff may experience increased personal, community and professional responsibilities and pressures from the impacts of the COVID pandemic. This page provides information and resources to...

Information for non-specialist services


Click here to go to our other COVID-19 pages Last updated 30 January 2022 This page provides quick information if you are a social or health service provider whose primary role is not addressing family or sexual violence but you may come into...

Information for people using abuse


Click here to go to our other COVID-19 pages   Becoming violence free requires a deep, personal commitment to change. It also requires supportive relationships. Living violence free requires a deliberate decision every day. Help is available. People...

How to help


Click here to go to our other COVID-19 pages  Last updated 30 January 2022 During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to check-in on friends and family to see if they are OK. For some people home or isolating may not be a safe. They may live with...

Preventing and responding to family, whānau and sexual violence during COVID-19


Experience in New Zealand and internationally has shown that family violence (including intimate partner violence, child abuse and elder abuse) and sexual violence can escalate during and after large-scale disasters or crises. The current COVID-19...

Updates from government agencies


Click here to go to our other COVID-19 pages Last updated 14 September 2022 This page has links to key government information related to family violence & sexual violence and COVID-19. This includes key safety messages, updates for social...

Information for specialist family violence and sexual violence services


Click here to go to our other COVID-19 pages Last updated 28 September 2023 Services have many things to think about during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have provided some key information below. We are continuing to add new research, reports, guides...

Information for people experiencing abuse


Click here to go to our other COVID-19 pages   Last updated 14 September 2022 If you feel unsafe or you are experiencing violence, it is OK to ask for help. You have the right to be safe.  Family violence and sexual violence services are always...

Preventing and responding to family, whānau and sexual violence during COVID-19


Ngā Wai a Te Tūī Māori and Indigenous Research Centre and the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse are partnering to provide information on preventing and responding to family, whānau and sexual violence during COVID-19 ... Read more We are...

Resource collection on strength, wisdom and wellness for advocates


The bundle, Smiles for the Soul: The Advocate’s Scrapbook of Strength, Wisdom & Wellness (2019) features resources and personal stories from advocates and survivors. The bundle highlights eight key resources freely available online. These...

News from MSD - It's Not OK seed funding and updates on commissioning of services


Seed funding for ideas addressing family violence The It’s Not OK Campaign is calling for "exciting or ground-breaking ideas" that could help reduce family violence in New Zealand. The campaign has new seed funding that is available for financial...

International Women's Day 2020 - resources and national action plans addressing violence against women


Resources and reports A new report Women's Rights in Review: 25 years after Beijing (UN Women, 2020) takes stock of how the landmark gender equality plan, the Beijing Platform for Action, is being implemented. UN Women’s Executive Director Phumzile...

Media report workplace sexual harassment and assault of young women in hospitality industry


In December 2019, Stuff reported cases of four young women who have experienced sexual harassment and sexual assault while working as employees at KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants at different locations in New Zealand. Their experiences highlighted...

Pilot to address police perpetrated family violence not progressed


Media outlet Stuff reported details about the Lighthouse Project based on a document that Stuff obtained under the Official Information Act. According to the Stuff article, the Lighthouse Project was designed to address "a steady increase in...

Abortion law reform: Select Committee report, next steps


The omnibus Abortion Legislation Bill would decriminalise abortion, better align the regulation of abortion services with other health services, and modernise the legal framework for abortion. Justice Minister Andrew Little introduced the bill in...

Links between violent extremism and violence against women


In September 2019, UN Women published a Guidance Note that explores the use of gender mainstreaming in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). In the foreward, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women...

New discussion papers on addressing sexual violence for ethnic communities


The discussions took place at the Connections! Hui in Wellington in July 2019. More than 90 ethnic community organisers and therapists attended the hui.  The four papers are: Addressing Sexual Violence for Ethnic Communities Prevention - General The...

Family violence and sexual violence service provider update - MSD, Dec 2019


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) email updates for family violence and sexual violence service providers covered a number of areas of work. You can view the updates online and subscribe to receive them to your inbox. The December 2019 update...