Website search results

Media report workplace sexual harassment and assault of young women in hospitality industry


In December 2019, Stuff reported cases of four young women who have experienced sexual harassment and sexual assault while working as employees at KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants at different locations in New Zealand. Their experiences highlighted...

Pilot to address police perpetrated family violence not progressed


Media outlet Stuff reported details about the Lighthouse Project based on a document that Stuff obtained under the Official Information Act. According to the Stuff article, the Lighthouse Project was designed to address "a steady increase in...

Abortion law reform: Select Committee report, next steps


The omnibus Abortion Legislation Bill would decriminalise abortion, better align the regulation of abortion services with other health services, and modernise the legal framework for abortion. Justice Minister Andrew Little introduced the bill in...

Links between violent extremism and violence against women


In September 2019, UN Women published a Guidance Note that explores the use of gender mainstreaming in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). In the foreward, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women...

New discussion papers on addressing sexual violence for ethnic communities


The discussions took place at the Connections! Hui in Wellington in July 2019. More than 90 ethnic community organisers and therapists attended the hui.  The four papers are: Addressing Sexual Violence for Ethnic Communities Prevention - General The...

Family violence and sexual violence service provider update - MSD, Dec 2019


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) email updates for family violence and sexual violence service providers covered a number of areas of work. You can view the updates online and subscribe to receive them to your inbox. The December 2019 update...

Calls for States to ratify international convention on violence and harassment at work


The International Labour Organization (ILO) is calling on member States (including New Zealand) to ratify the Convention Concerning the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work and the Violence and Harassment Recommendation. The...

New Disability Action Plan outlines cross-government work


The Government has launched the Disability Action Plan 2019–2023. This Action plan updates and replaces the Disability Action Plan 2014-2018. The Disability Action Plan 2019–2023 states that it takes a different approach to previous action plans: "...

Submissions open on Sexual Violence Legislation Bill


Submissions are open on the Sexual Violence Legislation Bill.  The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2020. The Sexual Violence Legislation Bill would amend the Evidence Act 2006, Victims’ Rights Act 2002, and Criminal Procedure Act 2011. The...

Submissions open on legislation to reform public service


The Government is inviting submissions on the legislation proposing changes to the public service. The deadline to make a submission is 31 January 2020. The Public Service Legislation Bill would repeal the State Sector Act 1988 and replace it with a...

New Ministry of Justice report on sexual violence and attrition in the criminal justice system


The report, Attrition and Progression: Reported Sexual Violence Victimisations in the Criminal Justice System (2019), analysed 23,739 sexual violence victimisations reported to Police between July 2014 and June 2018. This research looked at how many...

Family violence and sexual violence service provider updates - MSD, Oct and Nov 2019


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) email updates for family violence and sexual violence service providers covers a number of areas of work. You can view the updates online and subscribe to receive them to your inbox. The November 2019 update...

Joint Venture November 2019 update


The November update from the government’s Joint Venture on Family Violence and Sexual Violence includes: The Under-Secretary’s Update: Challenging Conversations and Complicated Spaces conference (read Undersecretary Jan Logie's speech from the...

White Ribbon Day 2019 and 16 days of activism against gender based violence


The White Ribbon NZ campaign this year is asking people to Challenge the #Unspoken Rules around masculinities: "Unspoken Rules are the expectations that boys and young men inherit from society, based on outdated ideas of what a man is, how he acts,...

Government consulting on whether to introduce Firearms Prohibition Orders


The Government is consulting on whether Firearms Prohibition Orders should be introduced into New Zealand, and if so, what they should look like. The deadline to make a submission is 13 January 2020. Firearms Prohibition Orders (FPOs) could prohibit...

Abuse in care inquiry: new Chair, first public hearings, submissions open on redress


The Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry has made a number of announcements and completed its first public hearings. New Chairperson for the inquiry Internal Affairs Minister Tracey Martin announced that Judge Coral Shaw has been appointed as...

New Backbone Collective survey open on longer term support and services


The Backbone Collective is surveying women who have experienced family violence about what longer term support and services they and their children need to help them recover and rebuild their lives. The online survey is open now and closes on 1...

Report explores intimate partner stalking


The research examines victims' experiences of stalking including how stalking manifests, harm from stalking, responses from frontline workers and police, and the effectiveness of the legislative and judicial system responses. The report, Relentless...

Updates on government work in mental health


Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission The Government has established an initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission which will lay the groundwork for the permanent Commission. The permanent Commission is expected to be launched in February 2021...

Submissions open on gun reform bill


The deadline for making a submission is 23 October 2019. The deadline for making a submission on Supplementary Order Paper 408 related to Arms Legislation Bill is 29 November 2019. The Arms Legislation Bill was introduced to Parliament and referred...