Additional government agency data


Ministry of Justice

Summary of data tables
Trends for people with finalised charges in court (2024) (PDF, 236 KB)

The Ministry of Justice website currently provides data to financial year ended 30 June 2024. Links to data tables related to family violence and sexual violence are listed below.

The Ministry of Justice updates this data every six months.

Specific offence types

  • Family violence offences
    The number of finalised charges and number of people with finalised charges and convicted of family violence offences. This is the most comprehensive family violence offences data published by the Ministry of Justice.

  • Offences related to family violence
    The number of finalised charges and number of people with finalised charges and convicted of offences related to family violence including Breach of protection order, Common assault (domestic), Male assaults female, Assault on a family member, and Strangulation/suffocation.

  • Sexual offences
    The number of finalised charges and number of people with finalised charges and convicted of sexual offences by sexual offence type (e.g. rape) and victim type.

  • Harmful digital communication offences
    The number of finalised charges and number of people with finalised charges and convicted of Harmful Digital Communications Act offences.

Family Court

  • Protection Order applications
    Information includes total number of applications, applications involving children and the age, gender and ethnicity of applicants and respondents.

  • Family Court applications
    The number of substantive Family Court applications filed by case type. This includes more detailed information on Care of Children Act (excluding Hague) cases, such as parenting order applications filed without notice, and family violence cases.

Justice services

  • Family violence programmes

    Includes information on the number of referrals, assessments and completions of non-violence programmes for people who have used violence, as well as safety programmes, and the strengthening safety service for people who have experienced or witnessed violence.


For more information sources, see Research & data, including:

For specific information requests, or make an Official information Act request

New Zealand Police
Provides access to a number of interactive reports inclucing daily occurrences of crime and family violence investigations, offender and victim data. 

Family violence investigations data for the last 3 years for Auckland, outside Auckland and New Zealand are available.

Please read the Clearinghouse news item about data on unique offenders and unique crime victims.

New Zealand Police publish annual statistics reports on homicide victims (latest report, 2007-2021, with 2022 provisional data, published June 2024).

Our data – you asked us (New Zealand Police, 2019) includes data on:

Family harm (pages 4 - 7)

  • Family investigations* conducted by Police district, 2016 - 2018 (Table 2)
  • Proportion of family investigations* with offences, arrests and/or prosecutions by Police district, 2016 - 2018 (Table 3)
  • Proceedings against offenders that involved an offence for contravening a protection order, by Police district, 2016 - 2018 (Table 4)
  • Police Safety Orders (PSOs) issued and breached, 2011 - 2018 (Table 5)

*Caveats: Family harm investigations (page 31)

Sexual assaults (pages 26 - 27)

  • Recorded sexual assaults, by Police district, 2016 - 2018  (Table 17) 

For specific information requests, email: or make an Official Information Act request

Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children

The Quarterly Report gives a snapshot in time of how Oranga Tamariki is performing in relation to the Outcomes Framework. It shows how children and young people move through the system, supported by dedicated services. This regular report is updated and published on a quarterly basis providing information for the 12 months to report date.

 The Quarterly report includes data on:

  • Care and protection interactions
  • Youth justice interactions
  • Transition services
  • Placement stability and availability
  • Needs assessments completed
  • Support to return and remain home

Download Oranga Tamariki quarterly performance report as at 31 March 2023 (PDF, 924 KB)

Read overview (HTML) - latest data to 31 March 2023

Data about how Oranga Tamariki works with children
In addition to the quarterly reports, Oranga Tamariki provides national level information that further details these statistics by region, age and ethnicity, by financial year. There are two data sets on the spreadsheet: FY2013/2014 - FY2016/2017 and FY2017/2018 - FY2022/2023 (latest).

Download key data tables, Excel, 126KB

Download key data graph, 92KB

Download babies and children entering Oranga Tamariki care (to FY2020), PDF 240KB

See related:

Update on what is happening with entries to care: June 2023 (Oranga Tamariki Evidence Centre, 2023) analyses entries into Oranga Tamariki care between 2019 and 2023. Reports with data from 2017 are available.

Safety of Children in Care reports are published have been published annually since 2020.

Safety of children in care: Annual report July 2022 to June 2023 (latest report, published January 2024)

Section 7AA reports provide information on the actions taken and the progress made in meeting Oranga tamariki's duties under section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989

Te whanake i ngā hua mō ngā tamariki Māori, ō rātau whānau, hapū, iwi anō hoki | Improving outcomes for tamariki Māori, their whānau, hapū and iwi. Section 7AA report 2023 (latest report for year ended 30 June 2023, published December 2023)

See also reports from Aroturuki Tamariki | Independent Children's Monitor

Earlier Child, Youth and Family data (to June 2017) is available from Ministry of Social Development website.

Ministry of Health

For specific information requests, email:

Statistics New Zealand

Crime and justice statistics
Find information on prosecutions and convictions, types of sentences, and the number of people serving prison or community sentences.

Use the Statistics New Zealand, chat with us now link if you need help accessing this information.

Aroturuki Tamariki Motuhake | Independent Children's Monitor

Experiences of care in Aotearoa: Agency compliance with the National Care Standards and Related Matters Regulations. Repoorting period 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2022 (latest report, published February 2023). 

Office of the Auditor-General

Operation Respect - Survey of New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) personnel

Data collected March - April 2022. Harmful behaviours measured include: unwanted sexual activity, inapropriate sexual behaviour and bullying, harassment and discrimination.

"1.38 The survey asked respondents to provide information about whether they had experienced or witnessed harmful behaviour in the last 12 months. NZDF does not currently collect this information in a detailed way. 

1.39 We also asked what action had been taken in response to harmful behaviour and what respondents’ views were on the adequacy of support for those experiencing and reporting harmful behaviour." 

Survey results along with other qualitative data are published in: 
A safe and respectful New Zealand Defence Force : First monitoring report (OAG, 2023). 

 Official Information Act requests

The Official Information Act 1982 can be used to request specific information. 

About the Official Information Act (Citizens Advice Bureau)
Requests for official information | Tono mō te pārongo ōkawa (Office of the Ombudsman)