Progress update on MSD sexual violence service development
Mon 03 Oct 2016
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has provided an update on developing sexual violence services. The update details upcoming work to consult ...
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has provided an update on developing sexual violence services.
The update details upcoming work to consult with service providers on development of services. This follows the government's previous announcement that $46 million will be invested over four years to better support victims and prevent sexual abuse.
The funding is to support:
- first response sexual violence services
- the 24-hour national sexual violence advice and support service
- harmful sexual behaviour services.
MSD will gather most of the feedback in these initial development stages through hui with invited service providers. Details about the consultation process are outlined below for each service.
First response sexual violence services
MSD will be holding regional hui in October in eight locations across New Zealand. These hui are for sexual violence service providers to help design the first response sexual violence services. MSD Community Investment Contract Managers or Relationship Managers have or will invite existing sexual violence service providers to attend a hui.
24-hour national sexual violence advice and support service
As part of the regional hui on first response sexual violence services in October, MSD will also invite feedback on the 24-hour national sexual violence advice and support service. In addition MSD will organise a ‘Sprint Session’ over 3 weeks in November to develop a service model. MSD will be looking for providers to participate with experience in:
- delivering sexual violence psychosocial services
- delivering a sexual violence crisis/response helpline
- delivering a national helpline/remote support service (not necessarily in response to sexual violence).
MSD has released a Registration of Interest (ROI) on the Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS) for providers and stakeholders to register their interest in participating in the sprint session. Following the sprint session, there will be additional consultation. See the update for detailed steps on registering for GETS.
Harmful sexual behaviour services
Harmful sexual behaviour service providers have been invited to participate in a sprint session to discuss service models. The session is running over 4-5 weeks from the end of September through October. Details about additional opportunities to give feedback will be included in the next update.
Services for male survivors of sexual abuse
Work is currently focused on finalising details to maintain existing services until 30 June 2017. During this time, MSD will work with providers and other stakeholders to plan for further development. The next update will include information on how stakeholders can participate.
For more information
- See the Ministerial Group on Family Violence and Sexual Violence Work Programme
- To receive these updates, email
- See the previous NZFVC story on Update on Ministerial Group on Family and Sexual Violence work programme
Related news
ACC has launched a new online toolkit for providers of sexual violence prevention activities.
Image: Pexels