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Independent Police Conduct Authority Releases Report into Police Investigation of Child Abuse


The Independent Police Conduct Authority has released the first part of a report recommending that the Police need to make significant improvements to practices, policies and procedures for the investigation of child abuse. The IPCA has completed...

Submissions Welcomed for Alternate NGO CEDAW Report


The National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) is facilitating the nationwide consultation process to produce the Alternate NGO CEDAW Report 2010. New Zealand ratified the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of...

Multi Agency Centre to Open this Month in Counties Manukau


A multi agency centre for victims of child abuse and adult sexual assault will open this month in Counties Manukau. The Centre, located on Great South Road in Manukau, will be the first of its kind in New Zealand and is a joint venture between...

UK Home Office Launches Campaign on Teen Dating Violence


The United Kingdom Home office has launched a campaign specifically targeting violence within teenage relationships. This powerful Home Office advert, directed by top British director Shane Meadows, aims to challenge the attitudes of teenagers...

Whānau Ora Supporters Page on Facebook


A Facebook page has been set up to serve as a key point of connection and debate with individuals and communities around Whānau Ora. The page provides coverage of radio, print and TV media and other links around the new scheme. For more information...

New Zealand’s First Children’s Commissioner receives UN Award


New Zealand’s first Children’s Commissioner, Paediatrician Ian Hassell has received an international award from the United Nations for his lifelong contribution to improving the rights of children. Dr Hassell, now a research associate at the...

NZFVC Project Advertised For Tender


The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse is currently up for tender and the Minsitry of Social Development welcomes tender applications from all interested parties. For full information and documentation regarding the retendering process please...

Whānau Ora Nationwide Hui


Community groups working with families will have a chance to ask questions about the planning underway for Whānau Ora at a series of hui being held around the country between 10-31 May 2010. The Honorable Tariana Turia, Minister responsible for...

Primary Prevention Podcasts Available on itunes


PreventConnect have made available a large number of free podcasts addressing a number of key issues relating to primary prevention of violence against women online via itunes. PreventConnect is an online primary prevention organisation in the USA... hold web seminars on VAW Prevention


Prevention Connection, an online organisation dedicated to the elimination of violence against women is regularly holding web seminars on topics related to the prevention of violence against women. The chosen theme for 2010 web conferences is ‘...

Discussion Document ‘Skills for Wellbeing 2020’ Launched


You and your organisation are invited to contribute to the development of a 10-year strategy for the social services and community sector workforce. Leaders from the social services and community sector have partnered with the Social Services...

Stock take on Sexual Violence Services Underway


Minister of Justice Simon Power announced last week that a stock take of sexual violence services by Minister of Social Development Paula Bennett is currently underway. The terms of reference for the stock take are due to be announced soon,...

$1 Million Boost to Sexual Violence Services Announced


Minister of Justice Simon Power has announced $1 million of extra funding to sexual violence prevention education programmes over the next two years. This announcement was made during the opening address of last week's conference ‘Working with...

Families Commission Release Whānau Strategic Framework 2009-2012


The Families Commission have released their Whānau Strategic Framework for 2009-2012. The Framework has been written to create a platform from which to make a major contribution to Whānau Ora. The Whānau Strategic Framework 2009-2012 is available...

Independent Review of ACC Sensitive Claims Pathway


Minister for ACC Nick Smith announced yesterday the panel members and terms of reference for an independent review of the ACC’s new Clinical Pathway for managing sensitive claims. The new Clinical Pathway was implemented in October 2009 on the...

Child, Youth and Family Launch Online Practice Resource Centre


Child, Youth and Family have launched a practice resource centre with a large amount of resources and tools for practitioners working with children. The centre is divided into five key sections: Practice Vision Service Pathways Knowledge Base and...

Kia Tutahi Standing Together Steering Group Announced


Minister for Community and Voluntary Services Tariana Turia has announced the establishment of the Kia Tutahi Standing Together Steering Group, which will oversee the development of a relationship agreement between the community, voluntary sector...

Child Witnesses In The Criminal Justice System


A report titled “Child witnesses in the New Zealand criminal courts: a review of practice and implications for policy” has been released by Auckland University of Technology’s Institute of Public Policy. The research focuses on children up to 17...

Police Release Culpable Death Report


The New Zealand Police have released a report titled “Police Statistics on Culpable Deaths in New Zealand: A Summary of Statistics about Victims of Murder, Manslaughter, and Infanticide”. Culpable death is one where the killer (or killers) are...

Report Released on Homicide within New Zealand Families


This report titled "Learning from Tragedy: Homicide within Families in New Zealand 2002-2006" provides the first complete picture of homicide within families in New Zealand. It found that there were 141 homicides perpetrated by a member of the...