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Submissions open on Victims’ Orders Against Violent Offenders Bill


A Bill to prevent serious violent and sexual offenders coming into contact with their victims passed its first reading in Parliament on 29 August 2013. It has been referred to the Law and Order Committee for consideration. Submissions to the Law and...

Renewed calls for justice for sexual violence survivors


A seminar held in Auckland has heard renewed calls for changes to trial and pre-trial procedures in cases of sexual violence. This follows Justice Minister Judith Collins shelving recommendations made by the Law Commission in September 2012....

Bail Amendment Bill passed in Parliament


The Bail Amendment Bill passed the third and final reading in Parliament on 27 August 2013, making it harder for those accused of serious offences to be granted bail. The Bail Amendment Bill: increases the number of situations where a defendant will...

Practice monograph: responses to refugee women with multiple trauma experiences


A Practice Monograph addressing practitioner responses to refugee women has been released by the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse. Improving responses to refugees with backgrounds of multiple trauma: Pointers for practitioners...

Submissions open in inquiry into the funding of sexual violence services


Public submissions are now being invited to a Social Services Committee inquiry into the funding of sexual violence services. The Terms of Reference for the inquiry are to review: the state of specialist services and determine whether they reflect...

Clearinghouse launches the Timeline of family and whānau violence milestones


The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse has complied a Timeline to document progress and setbacks on the journey towards the prevention and elimination of family, whānau and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.  The Timeline highlights key...

Guide to make Facebook safer for victims of abuse


The United States' National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) and Facebook have partnered to produce guidelines for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking to increase their safety and privacy while using Facebook. The guide...

Advocates' guide addresses sexual violence within the military


The United States National Sexual Violence Resource Center has released an advocates' guide for adressing sexual violence in the military.  Sexual Violence in the Military: A Guide for Civilian Advocates is designed for advocates working in...

First results from Youth '12 survey released


The Adolescent Health Research Group has released the first wave of results from the Youth '12 survey. Youth '12 is the third national survey of the health and wellbeing of New Zealand secondary school students, following Youth2000 and Youth '07. An...

Sexual violence sector funding review underway


Lead Minister for Sexual Violence Services Paula Bennett says she is working with a range of government agencies on a review of funding for sexual violence response agencies. The review will look at: the efficiency of funding provision what drives...

New Special Collection addresses domestic violence in LGBTQ communities


A new Special Collection on preventing and responding to domestic violence within Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Queer (LGBTQ) communities has been published by VAWnet, the US National Online Resource Center on Violence against Women. It was...

Hauraki locals get involved in community family violence and sexual abuse projects


Community projects from Hauraki showcase the family violence prevention and intervention work taking place across the region. The Right2BSafe campaign, developed by Hauraki Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS) and funded by the Ministry of Justice...

NZFVC releases 2013 data summaries


The Clearinghouse has released five updated family violence data summaries. These are collations of publicly available, primarily administrative data from sources such as: New Zealand Police; District Court; Family Court; Ministry of Health; Child,...

Louise Nicholas and police develop brochure on sexual assault police processes


The Ministry of Justice has announced an increase in funding to continue the National Sexual Violence Survivor Role provided by Rape Prevention Education.  Sexual assault survivor Louise Nicholas has held the position since 2008. The advocacy role...

New WHO report finds violence against women a 'global health problem of epidemic proportions'


The World Health Organization has released the first systematic review and synthesis of the body of scientific data on the prevalence of two forms of violence against women – violence by an intimate partner and sexual violence by someone other than...

Questions over future of Glenn Inquiry


Questions remain over the future of the Glenn Inquiry after the withdrawal of key members in recent weeks. Resignations include: Director Ruth Herbert and Operations Director Jessica Trask Three of the four interview panel co-chairs: former human...

Focus on elder abuse and neglect


Age Concern New Zealand is drawing attention the widespread issue of elder abuse and neglect leading up to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on Saturday June 15. Age Concern's Always Respected, Never Abused campaign informs people that elder abuse,...

Bill to create non-contact orders for victims of serious violent and sexual assault introduced


Justice Minister Judith Collins has introduced the Victims’ Orders Against Violent Offenders Bill into Parliament. The Bill aims to reduce the likelihood of serious violent and sexual assualt victims having unwanted contact by those who have...

Minister calls for review of sexual violence sector funding


Social Development Minister Paula Bennett has called for a nationwide review into the funding of the sexual violence sector. This came as sexual violence survivor agencies around the country have been forced to close or reduce hours due to funding...

Bill to increase penalties for online child sexual offences; new 'indecent communication' offence


Justice Minister Judith Collins has introduced legislation into Parliament which would increases the maximum penalties for online child sexual offences and other objectionable publication offences. It also a new offence of indecent communication...