Having and not having children - towards reproductive justice: The case for focusing on how to bring about reproductive justice


Wednesday 4 September 2024




Online and at the Stout Research Centre for NZ Studies, 12 Waiteata Road, Kelburn Campus, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington

Organised by

Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington



In this Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies webinar, researchers Anne Else and Maria Haenga-Collins make the case for focusing on how to bring about reproductive justice, drawing on concepts from tikanga and mātauranga Māori which could be beneficial to all, by effectively enlarging perceptions of what ‘family’ means.

Presenters: Anne Else & Maria Haenga-Collins

The presenters will begin by briefly outlining some statistics and summing up the current state of law and practice with regard to major aspects of adoption, state care, donor conception and surrogacy, including their damaging effect on Māori in particular. They will then consider the large-scale changes which are increasingly affecting human reproduction, and why the current focus on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) ‘solutions’ is misleading and dysfunctional. Anne and Maria then conclude by make the case for focusing instead on how to bring about reproductive justice, drawing on concepts from tikanga and mātauranga Māori which could benefit us all, by effectively enlarging perceptions of what ‘family’ means.


Dr Anne Else, MNZM, adopted at birth in Auckland in 1945, found her birth mother in 1984. An independent researcher and author based in Wellington, since the 1980s she has published a wide range of work focusing on adoption and related topics, including state care, assisted reproductive technology, and gender ideology.

Dr Maria Haenga-Collins (Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga a Māhaki, Kāi Tahu and Pākehā) was, as a young child, first fostered and then adopted into a Pākehā family. She is a lecturer and researcher at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT).


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