5th World Conference of Women's Shelters

Abstract due date

Thursday 31 October 2024

Conference date

15-18 September 2025


International Convention Centre, Sydney Australia

Organised by

Wesnet and the Global Network of Women's Shelters



The 5th World Conference of Women's Shelters is the world’s largest Conference by and for women’s shelters and those working to end gender-based violence.

The conference is currently calling for abstract submission for presentations covering all forms of gender-based violence and that have an intersectional approach that recognises intersecting oppressive structures and systems in people’s lives.  

A full list of abstract topics and presentation types can be found on the Call for abstracts page.

Abstract submissions close 31 October 2024. For abstract related enquiries, contact the program and abstract coordinator: program@fifthworldshelterconference.org.


The primary objective of the 5WCWS is to provide a platform for learning and sharing experiences. The goal of this exchange is to contribute to a worldwide systemic approach to ending violence against women and their children, in order to increase the safety, independence, and strength of women worldwide.

The themes of the conference are, Connect, Challenge, and Change. 


Engage with people dedicated to ending violence against women and other forms of gender-based violence. Foster a network of support and collaboration to enhance your efforts and share innovative solutions.


Collaborate with global delegates to confront and dismantle the structural drivers, systems, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours that perpetuate violence against women and gender-based violence. Together, attendees will critically examine and challenge the status quo to create a safer world.


Lead the way in driving the transformational change needed to eradicate all forms of gender-based violence locally and globally. Advocate for policies, implement effective programs, and inspire communities to take action towards a violence-free future.

For all queries, please contact the organisers.

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