Neuroscience and Trauma Informed Network Aotearoa kōrero with Dr Andre McLachlan


Wednesday 31 July 2024





Organised by

Neuroscience and Trauma Informed Network Aotearoa (NATINA)



In the NATINA webinar, Dr Andre McLachlan will share insights from his journey towards becoming neuroscience & trauma informed.

In the NATINA webinar, Dr Andre McLachlan will share insights from his journey towards becoming neuroscience & trauma informed, both as a parent and a professional, how he has personally integrated the western worldview of trauma and neuroscience with his own te ao Māori background and way of being, and what spaces he is currently working in.

There will be time for Q & A at the end of the korero.

Dr Dre (Ngāti Apa) is a clinical psychologist and addictions specialist. He is a member of the Māori Coalition on FASD and a father of two children with Te Iho Tātai a Rongo (FASD). Andre also works at Te Rau Ora where he delivers training on Te Whare o Oro a Māori model of neurodevelopment that guides discussion on healthy neurodevelopment and responding to trauma.

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