Feedback invited on service gaps for family and sexual violence
Thu 06 Apr 2023
The Ministry of Social Development is asking for feedback on gaps in services related to family violence and sexual violence. The closing date for feedback is 26 May 2023.
Consultation on service gaps for family and sexual violence
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) is asking for feedback on family and sexual violence service gaps to help develop plans to address these gaps.
The closing date to complete the online form is 26 May 2023.
There are 2 actions in the Action Plan for Te Aorerekura, the National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence, that address service gaps. Action 29 is "Develop a plan to fill the service gaps for family violence" (see page 39) and Action 30 is "Develop a plan to fill the service gaps for sexual violence" (see page 40).
MSD is leading this work. As part of this work, MSD developed 2 documents:
- a list of gaps in family violence and sexual violence services
- draft criteria to support decisions on how to prioritise addressing the gaps.
MSD is asking for feedback on these documents.
The List of Family Violence and Sexual Violence Service Gaps outlines gaps for the following groups or focus areas:
- FVSV Workforce gaps services for children and young people
- People using violence
- FVSV support for Māori communities/Kaupapa Māori services
- FVSV support for Disabled people
- FVSV support for LGBTQIA+ communities
- Support for male FVSV victims/ survivors
- Elder Abuse and Response Services EARS
- Gaps in the justice system
- FV Support for Ethnic Communities
- Pacific people
- Support for women who have gang affiliations
- Access to safe houses/ emergency accommodation after FV or SV
- SV continued care
- Geographical gaps, including for rural communities
The Draft criteria to support decisions about ordering family violence and sexual violence service gaps in the gaps plans are designed to consider urgency, impact and recommendations from specialist reports.
You can give your feedback through a brief online form or by emailing If you email feedback, see the questions included in the 2 documents linked above.
Update: The April special edition e-update from Te Puna Aonui highlights MSD's work in this area. Also see Addressing service gaps in family violence and sexual violence on the Te Puna Aonui website for more information.
Image: The Gender Spectrum Collection,