Innovation in the Public Sector: Gael Surgenor

Tue 01 Nov 2011

The New Zealand Social Entrepreneurs Fellowship publication 'How Communities Heal' has published an in depth article on senior public servant ...

The New Zealand Social Entrepreneurs Fellowship publication 'How Communities Heal' has published an in depth article on senior public servant Gael Surgenor, a social entrepreneur who has been working in the public sector and has been behind some of New Zealand's most innovative efforts to use social marketing to address family violence and promote positive parenting. 

Gael Surgenor, a Program Development Manager at Family and Community Services has provided innovative leadership of New Zealand's attitudinal and behaviour campaigns such as the It's Not Ok Campaign, and the governments investment in postivite parenting through SKIP - Strategies for Kids, Information for Parents. 

Gael is recognised for her pioneering of successful strategies for combining social marketing with a community development approach to social change. 

You can access this article online via the NZ Social Entrepreneurs Fellowship website here

You can also visit the website for the It's Not Ok Campaign here or learn more about SKIP here. 

Photo credit:  Istock photo