New Family Violence Training DVD Available

Fri 28 Oct 2011

A new DVD about protection orders and family violence, called "Talking about Family Violence: Stories of Positive Change" includes information ...

A new DVD about protection orders and family violence, called "Talking about Family Violence: Stories of Positive Change" includes information for men and women, victims and perpetrators. 

Ministry of Justice, Family and Community Services , Police and Immigration have funded  the DVD.   

It includes:

  • inspiring stories of change - men and women talking about their experiences from recognising violence, to getting help, getting protection orders, and now living free from violence
  • information about protection orders and the legal process
  • interviews with professionals (police, lawyers, women and children's advocates, stopping violence programme facilitators) 
  • dramas that follow the experiences of 4 women and cover all forms of family violence.

The DVD is designed for:

  • victims of violence
  • people who have used violence
  • those applying for a protection order, or using the legal system
  • respondents of a protection order, or those who are in the legal system because of family violence
  • people working in the family violence area
  • people wanting to know more about family violence

Note: this DVD replaces Denise's Story and Your Call.

The DVD can be ordered for free from Ministry of Justice publications section: Free phone: 0800 587 847 ; Free fax: 0800 802 126; Email:

Ask for Talking about Family Violence: Stories of Positive Change DVD Code 126 444.

You can also borrow this video through the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse at this link. 

Photo credit: istock photo