Social Workers in Schools Program Extended

Fri 14 Oct 2011

Minister of Social Development Paula Bennett has announced an extension of the Social Workers in Schools (SWiS) program to all decile 1-3 schools. This ...

Minister of Social Development Paula Bennett has announced an extension of the Social Workers in Schools (SWiS) program to all decile 1-3 schools.

This will increases the number of schools with a onsite social worker from 285 to 673.

It will cost $11.1 million per year to cover 388 schools currently without SWiS.

Notifications to Child, Youth and Family have almost quadrupled over the last six years and substantiated cases of abuse increased 77% in the same period.

The extra frontline staff will cost $10.3 million per year and extra social workers will be funded through existing budgets.

You can access the full media release via the Beehive website here.

Photo: Istock