Government launches new multi-disciplinary hub and new prevention frameworks
Tue 14 Jul 2020
The Government has launched a new multi-disciplinary family violence hub in Manukau. It has also launched three new frameworks for existing family violence prevention campaigns.
Multi-disciplinary hub
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern opened Te Taanga Manawa in Manukau on 7 July 2020. Te Taanga Manawa is a new multi-disciplinary family violence hub. It will house representatives from 13 government, Māori and community agencies working to address family violence. The government agencies at Te Taanga Manawa hub are Police, Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children, Corrections, Counties Manukau District Health, Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities, and Ministry of Social Development. The community agencies are Te Whare Ruruhau O Meri, Te Iwi o Ngāti Kahu, Te Kahui Mana Ririki, Barnardos, Te Whānau Rangimarie, Friendship House and Eastern Refuge Society.
“Specialist family violence services such as Te Whare Ruruhau o Meri provide whanau centred approaches with their Te Ao Māori lens. As we realise the potential of Māori for Māori services, and leadership by Māori to eliminate family violence and sexual violence, whole communities will be healing their whānau for generations to come."
Prevention frameworks
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has launched three five-year frameworks (2019-2023) for the prevention of family violence. The frameworks cover three existing MSD campaigns – E Tū Whānau, Pasefika Proud and It’s Not OK:
E Tū Whānau Mahere Rautaki – Framework for change, 2019-2023
Pasefika Proud – Pathways for Change, 2019-2023
Campaign for Action on Family Violence – Framework for change, 2019-2023
E Tū Whānau is a movement for positive change developed by the Māori Reference Group. Pasefika Proud is a movement by Pacific for Pacific, focused on boosting wellbeing for Pacific families and transforming the attitudes, behaviours and norms that enable violence. The Campaign for Action on Family Violence (It’s Not OK campaign) uses public health, community action and social marketing approaches to shift harmful norms and attitudes, and promote positive behaviour change in men.
A video recording of the launch is available online.
Te Upoko o te Ika Radio interviewed a number of people at the launch including:
- Eugene Ryder
- Human Rights Commission Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon, and
- Associate Minister for Social Development Poto Williams.
E Tū Whānau shared video comments from a number of advocates.
Pasifika Proud spoke to Poto Williams about the frameworks. Poto Williams was also interviewed by 531pi news.
Related media
Community-led solutions to prevent family violence, Beehive media release, 08.07.2020
New Māori domestic violence service opened in South Auckland, RNZ, 07.07.2020
Manukau centre aims to curb soaring rates of family harm, PMN News, 07.07.2020
Image: Hudson Hintze on Unsplash