Future Solutions – NOW – 50 Key Thinkers Forum

Wed 11 May 2011

A forum hosted by the Families Commission on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 will bring together some of the most innovative social issues thinkers in ...

A forum hosted by the Families Commission on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 will bring together some of the most innovative social issues thinkers in Aotearoa New Zealand to look at how families and whānau can be better supported without blowing the state’s services budget.

The 50 Key Thinkers Forum will focus on how New Zealand can effectively address family and whānau wellbeing, within the constraints of the current economic environment.

Further information about the forum can be found at http://www.nzfamilies.org.nz

The Key 50 were chosen using these criteria:
• All must be innovative thinkers
• All must be able to form an overview of service delivery
• Some should have on the ground experience
• Some should be community leaders
• Some should have credibility as champions for the interests of families

The Families Commission has emphasised innovation, creativity, and passion. The Families Commission says: “We have also tried to produce a mix of people, including entrepreneurs, business representatives, funders, organisers, providers, and community leaders. And, we have tried to pick representatives of the youth, aged, and disability sectors along side representation from Māori, Pacific, and Ethnic communities. “

The Commission expects this will be the first of a number of conversations with Key Thinkers about innovation and effectiveness in family and whānau support.

A full press release is available at the link below http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1105/S00108/future-solutions-now.htm