New discussion papers on addressing sexual violence for ethnic communities
Thu 16 Jan 2020
Shama Hamilton Ethnic Women’s Centre has published four papers summarising discussions about sexual violence prevention and response for ethnic communities.
The discussions took place at the Connections! Hui in Wellington in July 2019. More than 90 ethnic community organisers and therapists attended the hui.
The four papers are:
Addressing Sexual Violence for Ethnic Communities Prevention - General
The first paper summarises the general discussions about preventing sexual violence for ethnic communities. The discussion included prevention in communities, prevention of revictimisation and prevention of child sexual abuse. The paper covers three main areas: ethnic community values to underpin prevention, what prevention work can be done and what should be first. It discusses a range of prevention topics including addressing racism, building cultural competence, policy development, education for ethnic communities, development of a national service, national conversation, community resource and related issues.
Addressing Sexual Violence for Ethnic Communities Prevention – Responses from Specific Communities
At the hui, separate discussion groups of people who self-identified around a similar aspect of diversity discussed issues related to prevention unique to their group. The paper provides brief summaries from each group discussion:
- people with a refugee background
- people with a migrant background
- ethnic people with Christian faith
- ethnic people with Muslim faith
- people with Hindu faith
- people of Indian ethnicity
- people of Filipino ethnicity
- people of African ethnicity
- ethnic people who are part of rainbow communities
- Latin American people
- people of Asian ethnicity
The paper describes a range of values, gaps and approaches. It is intended to be read alongside the first paper (above).
Addressing Sexual Violence for Ethnic Communities – Responding when Harm Has Occurred
This paper summarises the discussions about responding to sexual violence. For these discussions, people were in groups with a shared aspect of diversity (ethnicity, religion, gender, migration journey or sexuality). Information from the 12 groups is collated in this paper. It covers the following areas: society and community responses, immediate responses needed for adult sexual assault, responses to historical sexual abuse, disclosures from children and dealing with harmful behaviour and perpetrators.
Addressing Sexual Violence for Ethnic Communities – Principles and Practices for a New Service
The final paper summarises the specific feedback that Shama was given to assist with establishing a new sexual violence response service. It covers principles to underpin a new service, additional supports for survivors and supports for therapists.
Background information
In June 2019, Shama announced they had seed funding to develop a new national sexual violence crisis coordination and therapeutic service. For more information about the service see the Shama website. You can also sign up to receive updates from Shama.
Related news
In December 2019, the Government announced an increase in funding for the Ethnic Communities Development Fund from $520,000 to $4.2 million each year. The Fund is now operating as a rolling fund - applications are assessed and decisions made throughout the year. Eligible groups can apply now.
Related media
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Image: Christina @ on Unsplash