What's the connection? Reading list on abuse/violence, mental health and addiction
Thu 10 May 2018
The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse has published a selected bibliography (reading list) on mental health, addiction, trauma, violence ...
The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse has published a selected bibliography (reading list) on mental health, addiction, trauma, violence and abuse.
The research can be used to support your submissions to the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction - Oranga Tāngata Oranga Whānau and more generally in policy, practice and advocacy work.
Mental health, addiction, trauma, violence and abuse: a selected bibliography includes research on:
- Links between abuse/violence, mental health issues, addiction and suicide (including child abuse and neglect, intimate partner violence and sexual violence)
- Improving service responses to people and whānau who have experienced abuse/violence and mental health or addiction issues
- Historical trauma and trauma-informed care
- Kaupapa Māori approaches
- Issues and responses for Pacific and Asian communities, disabled people and Rainbow/LGBTTIQ+
- Consumer movement, Mad Studies
- Structural and social inequities, power
- Preventing abuse/violence and suicide
We encourage you to explore the list and consider how you could use in your work.
For further information or questions, please contact the Information Specialist.
For further information about the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction - Oranga Tāngata Oranga Whānau, see our previous news story on the Inquiry.
Image: Justine Maynard (NZFVC logo)