New due date (13 Feb 2008) for submissions for the Review of the Domestic Violence Act 1995 and Related Legislation

Sat 19 Jan 2008

The Ministry of Justice has received feedback from agencies and individuals regarding the deadline for submissions for the “Review of the Domestic ...

The Ministry of Justice has received feedback from agencies and individuals regarding the deadline for submissions for the “Review of the Domestic Violence Act 1995 and Related Legislation: A discussion document”. The Ministry appreciates the concerns that have been raised about the timeframe for submissions impacting upon service organisations who work in family violence prevention.

The Ministry advises as far as they have been able to they have taken these concerns into account and have adjusted the date due for submissions to 13 February 2008. Unfortunately they are unable to extend the timeframe any further as the Ministry has been asked to provide subsequent policy papers on potential amendments on a date already set by Cabinet.