Awards for Commitment to Children’s Wellbeing - Call for Nominations

Tue 08 Jul 2008

Every Child Counts is calling for public nominations for its annual awards. The “Every Child Counts” awards, first presented in 2007, are ...

Every Child Counts is calling for public nominations for its annual awards.

The “Every Child Counts” awards, first presented in 2007, are for:
- An institution or organisation that has made a significant difference in 2007-08 to improve the status and wellbeing of children.
- An individual who has made a difference by an action or role in 2007/08 that improves the status and wellbeing of children.
The awards will be presented by the Governor-General His Excellency Hon Anand Satyanand at the annual Every Child Counts conference in Wellington on September 10 and 11.

The 2008 conference theme is: For our children: A better today, a better tomorrow. What’s it going to take?

Nomination forms are available online at: . Nominations are due by 15 July and must be sent to: Every Child Counts Awards Nominations, PO Box 6434, Wellington Or email to