‘Never, Ever Shake a Baby’ campaign Launched
Mon 07 Sep 2009
The ‘Never, Ever Shake a Baby’ campaign was launched last Thursday by Minister of Social Development Paula Bennett. The campaign, which will ...
The ‘Never, Ever Shake a Baby’ campaign was launched last Thursday by Minister of Social Development Paula Bennett.
The campaign, which will begin in November will involve Police, CYF, District Health Boards, health workers, non-government social workers and the Children's Commission.
The multi faceted campaign will look to:
Facilitate common measuring tools between CYF, Police and hospitals for measuring abuse of children under 2
Provide support for a pilot prevention programme through the Auckland DHB
Pilot a first response community based trial that will provide follow up support for families with under 2’s that have had a reported domestic violence incident
Provide extra hospital support by working alongside staff to improve how they can seek to protect a hospitalised child upon release
Five hospitals each receive will a CYF social worker
Further information on the campaign is available at:http://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/newsroom/media-releases/20...