16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign Fast Approaching
Wed 18 Nov 2009
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an international campaign running between November 25, International Day Against Violence ...
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an international campaign running between November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women and December 10, International Human Rights Day.
These days were chosen in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights. This year’s theme is Commit ▪ Act ▪ Demand: We CAN End Violence Against Women!
See our events page for events taking place during the 16 days of activism against gender violence.
If you are running any events and would like them advertised on our website please email details to outreach@nzfvc.org.nz.
To read more about the campaign and to download a 16 Days Take Action Kit go to http://www.cwgl.rutgers.edu/16days/about.html.