Investigation into Police Handling of Child Abuse Cases Extended Nationwide

Wed 27 Jan 2010

The Independent Police Complaints Authority announced a national investigation of how police have dealt with child abuse cases. An investigation ...

The Independent Police Complaints Authority announced a national investigation of how police have dealt with child abuse cases.
An investigation has been underway for the past five months looking at delays in the Wellington Police District only, however investigators have since found evidence of delays and problems in other areas.

The investigation began in 2009 as it emerged that Wairarapa police had up to 108 uninvestigated child abuse files, some with waiting times of up to 11 years.

Submissions may be made to the Authority’s inquiry by email ( or post (PO Box 5025, Wellington 6145). The Authority is in particular interested in submissions from people and organisations with specific knowledge of Police child abuse investigations.

More details on the terms of reference of the inquiry and how it is to be undertaken can be found on the Authority's website