Internal Affairs Launch Confidential Listening and Assistance Service
Thu 25 Feb 2010
The Department of Internal Affairs has launched the Confidential Listening and Assistance Service for people who have been subject to abuse or ...
The Department of Internal Affairs has launched the Confidential Listening and Assistance Service for people who have been subject to abuse or neglect whilst in state care prior to 1992. The service is intended to provide assistance for people and a forum for their experiences. This service has grown out of the Confidential Forum for Former In-Patients of Psychiatric Hospitals established in 2004 which provided the opportunity for former patients to share their experiences. Following the success of these forums, the government has extended the confidential listening and assistance service to all of those in state care in psychiatric hospitals and wards, health camps, child welfare care and special education homes prior to 1992. The service was established in late 2008 and is calling for expressions of interest from people with experiences to share with the panel of three appointed members, chaired by Judge Carolyn Henwood. The service is expected to run for five years. Further information including a full terms of reference for the group is available at: or call 0800 356 567 or via written correspondence to PO Box 5939, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145