Whānau Ora Nationwide Hui

Thu 06 May 2010

Community groups working with families will have a chance to ask questions about the planning underway for Whānau Ora at a series of hui being ...

Community groups working with families will have a chance to ask questions about the planning underway for Whānau Ora at a series of hui being held around the country between 10-31 May 2010.

The Honorable Tariana Turia, Minister responsible for Whānau Ora, will be presenting an update at 12 regional hui around New Zealand as per the schedule below. Her presentation will be followed by a joint one from the three Government agencies involved in the first stage of its implementation: Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Health.

Community groups and people interested in finding out more about Whānau Ora are invited to attend. Each information hui will last for two hours with presentations followed by an open discussion.

Full details of dates, times and venues are listed here: http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/newsevents/news/whanau-ora-regional-hui/

A question and answer brief has also been released on Whānau Ora and is available at: http://www.beehive.govt.nz/sites/all/files/WhanauOraQ+A.pdf

A PowerPoint presentation on Whānau Ora prepared for the Regional Hui is available here: http://www.familyservices.govt.nz/documents/working-with-us/news-room/br...