Māori Reference Group launches Programme of Action 2013-2018
Thu 27 Jun 2013
The Māori Reference Group for the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families has launched E Tu Whānau: Programme of Action for addressing ...
The Māori Reference Group for the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families has launched E Tu Whānau: Programme of Action for addressing Family Violence for the five-year period from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2018.
The Programme of Action builds on and extends work carried out under the first programme (2008-13) and provides a framework for Te Ao Māori and government partners to address violence within whānau. The new programme aims to:
- inspire and support whānau, hapū and iwi to take action to address issues of violence, to look to the past for guidance and to have big dreams for now and the future – Te Mana Kaha o te Whānau
- provide an action plan that is Māori owned and led, achievable and ‘real’ – that will result in actions that actually make a difference
- provide clarity and guidance around what is required of government and Te Ao Māori
- build on the significant achievements and success of all that has gone before.
The key areas for action remain as follows:1. leadership2. changing attitudes and behaviour3. ensuring safety and accountability4. effective support services and resources5. understanding and developing best practice.
High-level goals, supporting objectives and expected five-year outcomes havebeen developed for each of these action areas.
In an address at the Programme launch, Associate Minister of Social Development, Tariana Turia acknowledged the achievements made through the first programme of action, noting that E Tu Whānau messages and values were becoming more embedded with Māori. Yet she cautioned "it will take time for violence to be unlearned and so it is important that the foundations for positive change are right".
As E Tu Whānau moves into the next phase of implementation, the focus continues to be on "strategies and solutions that encompass the whole whānau, and includes those actions and behaviours that uphold the values underpinning tikanga for today’s world".
E Tu Whānau was recently granted an additional $8 million funding over four years, including to expand services to Pasifika, migrant and refugee communities. Alongside the funding annoucement, an E Tū Whānau Toolbox was launched to support those working under the kaupapa.
Image: iStock