Update on Campaign for Action on Family Violence
Fri 31 Aug 2007
Update on Campaign for Action on Family Violence Below is the latest news from the Campaign for Action on Family Violence team in the Ministry ...
Update on Campaign for Action on Family Violence
Below is the latest news from the Campaign for Action on Family Violence team in the Ministry of Social Development.
Campaign Launch
The launch of the Campaign will take place at the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington on Tuesday, September 4; hosted by the Families Commission.
Video clips of community initiatives have been produced for the launch. They feature people working family violence prevention in communities throughout New Zealand talking about their work and how the national campaign can support their work. Display boards at the launch will also highlight some of the great work being done throughout New Zealand. There will be three speakers at the launch: the Prime Minister, Minister Ruth Dyson, and Di Grennell from Amokura Family Violence Prevention Project. The TV advertisements will also be shown at the launch. The first TV ads go to air on Sunday, September 9. The ads have been shown to many stakeholders over the past month or so and the feedback has been extremely positive.
Extra financial support for providers
Non-government family violence service providers have a key role in the success of the campaign. The campaign has a strong community focus and supports the work that is already being done in communities to prevent family violence and encourage healthy, respectful relationships.
In response to some concerns that providers may be faced with extra demands on their services as a result of the campaign and referrals from the 0800 line, a fund has been established to provide extra financial support if it’s needed. A letter has been sent to 1000 family violence service providers outlining details of the fund. MSD is working with community representatives from the family violence sector about how the special fund should be administered. Data will be collected about the number of calls received by the 0800 line, including where the calls are coming from and the outcome of those calls. This information will be used to help monitor the impact of the campaign on particular regions and specific service providers.
The 0800 Family Violence Information Line
Operators are currently being trained for the Family Violence Information Line that will begin operation on September 9, to coincide with the first airing of the TV advertisements. The 0800 line has been developed by a collaboration of agencies that have expertise and experience in addressing family violence and providing phoneline support. These agencies are: the National Collection of Independent Women’s Refuges; Preventing Violence in the Home; Jigsaw; the National Network of Stopping Violence Services; Plunket; Lifeline; and Youthline.
The Family Violence Information Line is not a crisis line. However, in cases of emergency, a caller will be connected to appropriate crisis services, including the Police, and Child, Youth and Family. During the first stage of the campaign it is expected that many callers to the 0800 line will not want or need to be connected with service providers. Instead they will be looking for information that can be provided through resources that have been developed to support the campaign.
Community Action Fund
The second round of funding from the Community Action Fund is due to be announced on launch day. Thirty three projects have already been funded across New Zealand and another 64 applications were received in the second round.
A campaign website www.areyouok.org.nz will include information about family violence and provide support for those experiencing family violence. There will also be material on how to get involved in the campaign and links to many organisations that have a connection with family violence. The website will go live to coincide with the launch of the campaign.
A brochure on family violence and relationships has been developed and will be available when the campaign is launched. This will be the first in a series of information booklets. A second publication focusing on children is already underway. The booklet will be available via the 0800 line or can be ordered from the website.
Family Violence Toolkit
The Community Action Toolkit To Prevent Family Violence has been rebranded and reprinted as a campaign resource. This will be available online on the campaign website and will also be available in hard copy to organisations.
Pacific Launch
The Pacific Advisory Group is also planning a Pacific launch for the campaign. We are working with the group to provide support with their campaign plans.
Maori Reference Group
We have met with the Maori Reference Group who are working on their own action plan for changing attitudes and behaviour. They have some exciting plans and we look forward to supporting their initiatives.
Many Voices
In recent months the project team has been talking about the campaign to people across the spectrum in New Zealand. Rotary is a very strong supporter of the campaign, local mayors are involved and in places like Waitakere, local campaigns are being developed in conjunction with the national campaign, using the same campaign branding. We will continue to connect with people and groups in the community well after the launch.
For further information contact Pete Richardson pete.richardson008@msd.govt.nz or
Nick Farland nick.farland@nzfamilies.org.nz