Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Launches South Auckland Group

Fri 11 Jun 2010

The Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) South Auckland group was launched on 3 June. The group is being led by a Fale Andrew Lesa from ...

The Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) South Auckland group was launched on 3 June.

The group is being led by a Fale Andrew Lesa from Manurewa who is a member of the Ministry of Social Development Aotearoa Youth Voices network.

SAVE is a national 'by youth for youth' organisation that began in Nelson with two Nelson College Students who were horrified at the effects of violence on their own friends.

The launch was well attended by Manukau City Councillors and community board members, along with local community leaders, youth organisations and young people, attended the launch to acknowledge and support the group and its leader.

Other presenters at the South Auckland launch included Len Brown, Mayor of Manukau City, Su’a William Sio, MP for Mangere, the Manukau City Council Safer Communities Together group, a SAVE Waikato delegation, and Counties Manukau Police.

You can visit the SAVE website at: