Stocktake of Sexual Violence Prevention Initiatives

Fri 16 May 2008

The Ministry of Education is currently completing a stocktake of programmes and initiatives aimed at preventing and reducing sexual violence ...

The Ministry of Education is currently completing a stocktake of programmes and initiatives aimed at preventing and reducing sexual violence in New Zealand.

A survey is now underway to gather information about the kinds of primary prevention programmes in this country that address sexual violence. These programmes or initiatives may include: one-off events (such as marches, hui or seminars); discussion groups; information provided either face-to-face and through the media; campaigns to highlight issues with local and national policy-makers; community development initiatives; education resources and/or training programmes.

The information obtained in the stocktake survey will be developed into a report which will list prevention and education programmes, describe how the programmes work, and discuss the factors that have an impact on the development and delivery of sexual violence prevention initiatives. The report will go to the Taskforce for Action on Sexual Violence, and will be made public in the second half of 2008.

For more information about the stocktake, contact