Select Committee Inquiry: Determinants of Wellbeing for Maori Children
Fri 28 Oct 2011
Public submissions are invited to the Maori Affairs Select Committee inquiry into the determinants of wellbeing for Maori children. The terms ...
Public submissions are invited to the Maori Affairs Select Committee inquiry into the determinants of wellbeing for Maori children.
The terms of reference of the inquiry will focus on:
- The historical and current health, education, and welfare profiles of Maori children. This would take account of the transmission of life circumstances between generations, and how this impacts on Maori children.
- The extent of public investment in Maori children across the health, education, social services, and justice sectors-and whether this investment is adequate and equitable.
- How public investment in the health, education, social services, and justice can be used to ensure the well-being of Maori children.
- The social determinants necessary for healthy growth and development for Maori children.
- The significance of whanau for strengthening Maori children.
- Policy and legislative pathways to address the findings of this inquiry.
No closing date has been announced as yet for this inquiry.
For more information about this inquiry, please visit the New Zealand Parliament website here.
Media related to the Select Committee inquiry can be found from:
Action for Children and Youth Aotearoa
You can find information about making a submission to a select committee online here.
Photo credit: istock photo