Research Project - Evaluating Domestic Violence Services for Pacific Peoples

Mon 10 Aug 2009

Nandika Currey, a Postgraduate Diploma student at the Centre for Public Health Research at Massey University is conducting a research project ...

Nandika Currey, a Postgraduate Diploma student at the Centre for Public Health Research at Massey University is conducting a research project as part of her PGDipPH under the supervision of Dr Anna Matheson (Wellington Campus) and Professor Sitaleki Finau (Albany Campus).

The project is about domestic violence services and Pacific peoples. Nandika would like to hear the views and opinions of Wellington-based violence-support agencies on the range of services they offer, including what they need (e.g. funding, legislative changes) to continue providing such services.

Agencies interested in taking part are asked to email Nandika at for further information.