NZFVC Quick Reads: 27 September 2024

Fri 27 Sep 2024

This Quick Reads covers: • For Our Mokopuna (2024) report released • ACC announces prevention partners for new initiative • MOJ consultation on jury trials • MSD disability awareness training • Article on substance use and domestic violence • MOJ release latest stats

NZFVC Quick Reads: 27 September 2024

Welcome to our Quick Reads format. Each week we share selected news bites relevant to family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa. See all past NZFVC Quick reads.

For our Mokopuna (2024), report from EAG for Children and Young People

Te Puna Aonui  have released a report from the Expert Advisory Group for Children and Young People, For Our Mokopuna (2024). The report sets out 7 recommendations aimed at promoting and sustaining children and young people’s active participation and engagement in the work of Te Puna Aonui.  

ACC announces prevention partners for its new community-led prevention initiative

ACC have announced the first 5 prevention partners for their new community-led prevention initiative, Hikitia! For Our Future. This new network of prevention partners is tasked with working alongside community and local leaders to support wellbeing, protect against violence, and prevent harm. The new prevention partners are Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa in Te Tai Tokerau, Tauawhi Charitable Trust in Tairawhiti, Tautoko Mai Sexual Harm Support Services in Te Arawa, Rise! Living Safe in Te Tau Ihu, and Te Hou Ora Whānau Services in Otago.

Ministry of Justice consultation on jury trials 

Te Tāhū o te Ture | Ministry of Justice announced they are seeking public feedback on two options to related to jury trials: increasing the jury trial threshold; and enabling flexibility in the timing of jury election. These proposals and options for change are set out in more detail in the Improving Jury Trial Timeliness: Discussion document (2024). The Interim Regulatory Impact Statement for the proposed changes is also available online. Feedback can be given via online survey or written submission. The consultation period closes 31 October 2024

Ministry of Social Development disability awareness training

Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development is accepting registrations of interest for a disability awareness training programme set to commence in early 2025. The training is open to MSD-funded sexual violence and family violence service providers wanting to know more about how to make their services accessible for disabled people. For more information on the training and how to register, see the Accessibility Fund webpage.

Article on substance use and domestic violence

Researchers from The University of Melbourne have written an article for The Conversation, How perpetrators of domestic violence use drugs and alcohol to control their victims. The article provides an overview and summary of the authors’ research into at the role alcohol and other drugs play in perpetrators’ tactics of violence and abuse. The research covered in the article come from KODY: Researching an all-of-family program in family violence and substance misuse

Ministry of Justice release latest statistics 

Te Tāhū o te Ture | Ministry of Justice have released their justice data for the financial year ending 30 June 2024. The Ministry’s Data tables webpage contains a summary of key trends about people with finalised charges, including children and young people and the Youth Court. The webpage also offers downloadable data tables, including specific tables for sexual offences and family violence offences, and for protection order applications. These data tables contain statistics for the last 10 years. For more on statistics, see our violence statistics page.

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