NZ Women’s Rights Report Presented in Geneva

Thu 03 Nov 2011

Dr Judy McGregor presented the New Zealand Human Rights Commission’s Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women ...

Dr Judy McGregor presented the New Zealand Human Rights Commission’s Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) on how women fare in New Zealand today, at the Pre-session for the 52nd session 24 October 2011, Geneva.

New Zealand has made consistent progress in eliminating discrimination against women and in progressing equality across a broad range of civil, political, economic, social and cultural indicators. That’s the good news. The not so good news is that there are enduring and pervasive barriers and inequalities that women in New Zealand, as mothers, grandmothers, carers, and workers, face every day. 

Violence against women is one of these. 

You can access the Human Right's Commission Report to the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women here.

You can access Dr Judy McGregor's oral statement to CEDAW prior to presenting the NZ report at the Pre-session here.   

Photo credit: istock photo