New Resources to Support Submissions to Green Paper on Vulnerable Children
Fri 14 Oct 2011
The Ministry of Social Development has released a number of resources to make it easier for New Zealanders to share their ideas and have their ...
The Ministry of Social Development has released a number of resources to make it easier for New Zealanders to share their ideas and have their say on the Green Paper for Vulnerable Children. They include:
- A freepost form that makes it easy to make a submission
- A poster that encourages people to have their say
- A fact sheet on the Green Paper that explains what the Government is trying to achieve and how to have your say
- An information sheet that provides ideas as to how organisations and networks can mobilise the families and groups in their communities to take part in the discussion and have their say.
- A banner that can be easily put on websites, newsletters, e-mails etc
You can access these resources on Green Paper website here.
All submissions on the Green Paper must be received before the closing date of 28th of February 2012.
You can read more about the Green Paper on an earlier news piece by the NZFVC here.