New relationship accord between government and communities

Tue 28 Jun 2011

A strengthened relationship between government and the community is the aim of a document to be signed at Parliament on 1 August. The Minister ...

A strengthened relationship between government and the community is the aim of a document to be signed at Parliament on 1 August.

The Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Tariana Turia, said the Kia Tutahi Standing Together Relationship Accord sets clear expectations about how government agencies and communities will work together.

The relationship accord was developed by a joint community-government steering group, established by the Minister, which undertook wide consultation last year.  It will be signed by the Prime Minister, Minister Turia, and community members in Parliament’s Grand Hall. Other community representatives will be able to sign up to the Accord at regional events and online.

The Accord has wide government agency support. It will be backed by release of a Ready Reference Engagement Guide for public servants promoting good practice when engaging with citizens and communities on policy development and services.

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