New Focus Papers from the New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey

Thu 06 Oct 2011

The Ministry of Justice has released two new papers from the New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey (NZCASS) 2009. These two focus papers look at ...

The Ministry of Justice has released two new papers from the New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey (NZCASS) 2009.

These two focus papers look at Confrontational Crime in New Zealand and Multiple Victimisation using data collected from the NZCASS 2009. 

A brief description and links to the focus papers are below:

Confrontational Crime in New Zealand: Findings from the 2009 New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey

The paper analyses people’s experiences of “confrontational crime”, where the offender was their partner or a person well-known to them. Confrontational crime includes assaults and threats to an individual or their personal property.

This paper is available online via the Ministry of Justice website at this link.

Multiple Victimisation in New Zealand: Findings from the 2009 New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey

The paper provides an analysis of the nature and extent of multiple victimisation in New Zealand in 2008.  One in five (19%) New Zealanders reported that they were multiple victims of crime in 2008 (i.e. they experienced two or more offences).

 This paper is available online via the Ministry of Justice website at this link.

For full information about the findings of NZCASS 2009 and full access to the NZCASS 2009 report, please visit the Ministry of Justice website at this link.

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