Mental Health Awareness Week 10-16 October 2011

Fri 14 Oct 2011

Mental Health Awareness Week this year falls just after the Rugby World Cup quarter finals and concludes on the weekend of the semi-finals, 10-16 ...

Mental Health Awareness Week this year falls just after the Rugby World Cup quarter finals and concludes on the weekend of the semi-finals, 10-16 October 2011.

Given this, the Mental Health Foundation is embracing the Rugby World Cup and have set their Mental Health Awareness Week theme accordingly with ‘GET IN THE GAME: Training for happiness’.

This years campaign has a focus on the five winning ways to wellbeing; Connect, Give, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Be Active you can improve your mental health and wellbeing.

Mental Health Awareness Week sees 100s of activities and events take shape throughout the country including music gigs, Zumba fundraisers, a book launch, an art exhibition and much more. A full list of events can be found on the Mental Health Foundation events calendar here.

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 10-16 October, and is endorsed by the World Federation for Mental Health and marked in over 150 countries.

For more information, please visit the Mental Health Foundation website here.

You can access the press release from the Mental Health Foundation about Mental Health Awareness Week here.