Kahungunu Whanau Violence Strategy - Wananga to be held
Wed 21 Sep 2005
Tangata whenua working in the area of family violence in Hawkes Bay are calling for anyone interested in developing a kaupapa Maori-based whanau ...
Tangata whenua working in the area of family violence in Hawkes Bay are calling for anyone interested in developing a kaupapa Maori-based whanau violence prevention strategy to attend a wananga at Ruahapia Marae on September 27th.
Those organising the development of a Kahungunu family violence prevention strategy say that whanau in the area need a strategy that will support Maori whanau in Kahungunu to live free of violence.
Anyone interested is asked to contact Ruruhira Tawhai on 06 876 0739 or email her at Tangata Piringa Maori Women’s Refuge t.piringa@xtra.co.nz