Joint Venture seeking specialist family violence practitioners/leaders for expert design groups
Wed 27 Feb 2019
The Government's Joint Venture Business Unit, Family Violence and Sexual Violence (JVBU) is seeking up to 18 representatives to participate in ...
The Government's Joint Venture Business Unit, Family Violence and Sexual Violence (JVBU) is seeking up to 18 representatives to participate in two expert design groups (Tauiwi and Kaupapa Māori).
The deadline to submit your interest is 8 March 2019.
The JVBU is seeking "experienced senior practitioners/leaders from specialist family violence, violence within whānau and sexual violence NGOs to work in partnership with us to develop draft Tauiwi and Kaupapa Māori Specialist Organisational Shared Standards for family violence and violence within whānau services."
The organisational standards are intended to complement the Family violence, sexual violence and violence within whānau: Workforce capability framework by describing the organisational capabilities which support safe, holistic and effective specialist practice. The Standards will guide the development of complementary specialist organisational accreditation frameworks within government.
The groups will also work with the JVBU to design a draft "‘entry to expert’ specialist practitioner framework, encompassing the bodies of knowledge and skills required by the specialist workforce when responding to family violence and violence within whānau."
The draft Standards and framework will be shared with the specialist sectors for consultation and review.
This is part of a new programme of work by Ministry of Justice and the Joint Venture Business Unit to support strengthening the practice capabilities of the workforce.
The Opportunity for Engagement document states:
"Representatives will have a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi, work in an intersectional manner and contribute expertise in one or more of the following areas:
- specialist family violence organisational development
- Kaupapa Māori violence within whānau organisational development
- specialist sexual violence services organisational development
- working with the LBGTQI+ community on outing violence
- working with Pacific family violence providers and communities
- working with refugee, migrant and ethnic family violence providers and communities
- working with the disability sector in supporting people experiencing or using violence
- developing organisational practice for working with people using violence
- case management, supervision and peer support in the specialist NGO violence sector
- current theoretical /conceptual knowledges and frameworks about family violence and/or violence within whānau and/or sexual violence."
Representatives will be required to participate in meetings from March to June 2019, participate in work between meetings, liaise and consult with networks and colleagues, and participate in video/teleconferences as needed. The JVBU will cover meeting travel and accommodation costs. Representatives will be paid in line with the Cabinet Fees Framework for their participation.
To submit your interest
To apply to participate, complete the information requested in the Opportunity for Engagement template (Appendix 1) and email this to
Image: Marcos Luiz on Unsplash