The "It’s Not OK" Campaign Creating Change Workshops

Thu 31 Mar 2011

Workshops will be held in locations around New Zealand during April and May 2011. All over New Zealand people are working to increase understanding ...

Workshops will be held in locations around New Zealand during April and May 2011.

All over New Zealand people are working to increase understanding and mobilise communities to prevent family violence. More people than ever are undertaking initiatives aimed at stopping family violence before it happens.

The “It’s not OK” Campaign have recently completed a toolkit that summarises what we have learnt from community action around the country. We now wish to share this through “Creating Change” workshops which will provide ideas and tools for strengthening family violence prevention work.
The workshops will focus on: developing partnerships with sports organisations, businesses, and local government; sharing examples of effective community action projects; and building the social movement to prevent violence. The toolkit also provides case studies, and information on social marketing and evaluation. Find locations and Dates on the Events page under Training Workshops.