Injury New Zealand Directory

Sat 23 Oct 2010

The Injury New Zealand e-Directory (INZED), produced by the School of Population Health, University of Auckland is a resource for all those working ...

The Injury New Zealand e-Directory (INZED), produced by the School of Population Health, University of Auckland is a resource for all those working in the injury prevention sector.

INZED enables community workers, researchers, policy analysts and others, working in specific injury prevention fields to make contact. It also enables people working in different fields of injury prevention in the same geographic location to network more effectively. People working on injury prevention with Māori, or Pacific people or any other specific group, are particularly encouraged to contribute to the database to ensure their work with these target groups is recognised.

To be included, view the directory, or for more information about INZED and other injury prevention initiatives and resources, go to