Family violence indicators released

Thu 04 Aug 2011

This set of indicators related to family violence was developed during 2010 for the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families.The indicators ...

This set of indicators related to family violence was developed during 2010 for the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families.The indicators represent the first step in regular reporting back to the Taskforce to monitor the level of family violence in New Zealand. The indicators attempt to address three key questions:

i. Are the major outcomes of family violence changing: getting more or less severe?

ii. Are incidents of family violence increasing or decreasing year by year across all communities?

iii. Is there specific evidence of reduced tolerance of violence and behaviour change in families across all communities?

Key messages from the 2011 Family Violence Indicators:

1. Overall there is no sign yet of a reduction in prevalence of family violence. The trend over the last few years has shown increased recorded family violence offences, increased prosecutions, and increased convictions for family violence. This is likely to be due to the growing community awareness of family violence and decreased community tolerance. Changes in Police recording practices, together with greater awareness within Police of family violence, could also explain a large portion of this increase.

2. The latest Police data indicates the rate of family violence offences has plateaued and this is a distinct and sustained change.

3. Raised awareness and decreased tolerance has increased help-seeking by perpetrators, victims and witnesses of family violence.

4. The first set of indicators has been a valuable exercise in identifying current data and gaps. There is an intention to continuously improve upon this first version of the indicators, and the Taskforce agencies will continue to work to review the data so as to provide the most accurate picture of family violence possible.

Read the background to family violence Indicators

Download the Family Violence Indicatiors, May 2011 (PDF, 118.73KB)

Learn more about the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families

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