Family Court Pamphlets - Domestic violence information in a range of languages

Wed 23 Jan 2008

Domestic Violence Act and protection order information pamphlets have been made available by the Ministry of Justice and are now on the Family ...

Domestic Violence Act and protection order information pamphlets have been made available by the Ministry of Justice and are now on the Family Court Website in the following languages:

• Arabic
• Cook Islands Maori
• Fijian
• Hindi
• Korea
• Maori
• Niuean
• Samoan
• Somali
• Tokelauan
• Tongan

The following pamphlets have been translated:

• Applying for a protection order (Courts 008)
• Free Protection Order Support Programmes (Courts 009)
• Information on Protection Orders and the Domestic Violence Act (Courts 001)
• Responding to a protection order (Courts 006)
They can be downloaded from