Enhancing victims' rights - Public consultation

Wed 09 Dec 2009

A consultation document on victims' rights in the criminal justice system has been released for further input from the public. The proposals ...

A consultation document on victims' rights in the criminal justice system has been released for further input from the public. The proposals focus on three key areas identified by the Ministry of Justice:

The frustration for victims in dealing with multiple government agencies to get information about the criminal justice system, their rights, and how to access services
The bewildering nature of the criminal justice process for victims. Victims may feel they do not have any role in the criminal case involving them and often do not know what is happening
The need to strengthen the mechanisms to make criminal justice agencies more accountable for the services they deliver to victims.
Submissions close on 31 March 2010. The document is available online at http://www.justice.govt.nz/policy-and-consultation/victims

To read Justice Minister Simon Power's press release go to http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/enhancing+victims039+rights