Code of Funding Practice Launched

Mon 04 Oct 2010

Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Tariana Turia has released the "Code of Funding Practice" The Code is designed to help government funders ...

Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Tariana Turia has released the "Code of Funding Practice"

The Code is designed to help government funders and non-profit organisations work together when using public funds to benefit communities. It includes seven core code areas (respect, cultural context, transparency, open communication, flexibility, integrity, and accountability), success indicators and examples of good practice.

Review tools for each core code (available online) can help agencies to assess their current practice against the new Code and identify appropriate changes.

The voluntary "Code of Funding Practice" can be used by funding managers and negotiators, the non-profits that they fund, and public servants involved in designing funding processes or making recommendations on funding policies.

For further information please visit:
Minister Turia’s media release: