Budget 2019: $320m package announced for family and sexual violence
Mon 20 May 2019
The Government has announced a family violence and sexual violence package worth $320 million, as part of its Wellbeing Budget 2019. The package ...
The Government has announced a family violence and sexual violence package worth $320 million, as part of its Wellbeing Budget 2019.
The package was developed collaboratively across 8 votes involving 10 agencies.
The family violence and sexual violence package comprises initiatives across five broad areas.
These are summarised in the Beehive release:
- “Preventing family violence and sexual violence [$47.8 million over 4 years]
- Safe, consistent and effective responses to family violence in every community [$84.3 million over 4 years]
- Expanding essential specialist sexual violence services: moving towards fully funding services [$131.1 million over 4 years]
- Reforming the criminal justice system to better respond to victims of sexual violence. [$37.8 million over 4 years]
- Strengthening system leadership and supporting new ways of working [$20.0 million over 4 years]
- The total monetary value of the package is $320 million (comprising new operating funding of $311.4 million, and $9.5 million of capital funding).”
Further detail on the package is available in the summary Family Violence and Sexual Violence Package: Breaking the cycle of family and sexual violence, on the Ministry of Justice website.
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) also provides further detail in a special Budget edition of their Family Violence and Sexual Violence Service Provider Update. Also see the MSD media announcement and Budget 2019 Fact Sheets.
Making the announcement, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Parliamentary Under-Secretary Jan Logie said the Government was delivering the "largest ever investment in family and sexual violence and support services." Jacinda Ardern said:
“Wellbeing means being safe and free from violence. That is why this package is such a significant cornerstone of the Wellbeing Budget.
My goal has always been for New Zealand to be the best place in the world to be a child and that means supporting parents and communities to ensure children grow up in secure homes free from violence.”
For responses to the announcement, see the media list below.
The full Wellbeing Budget will be delivered on 30 May 2019.
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The Joint Venture have released a snapshot, Integrated Safety Response (ISR) evaluation: emerging findings. An evaluation of ISR is currently being carried out "by a kaupapa Māori team and a research team led by Dr Elaine Mossman." The final evaluation is due in mid-2019. The snapshot provides key emerging findings to date. The snapshot says "The emerging findings show that the ISR is making a positive difference for many families and whānau. The evaluation also identifies opportunities that build on current results."
The first evaluation of ISR was published in 2017.
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Image: TheDigitalWay from Pixabay