Auckland Council Investigates Role in Reduction of Family Violence

Thu 13 Oct 2011

The Auckland Council has written a policy paper laying out options for its involvement in family violence reduction. The report outlines the ...

The Auckland Council has written a policy paper laying out options for its involvement in family violence reduction.

The report outlines the existing approaches within the Auckland Council, approaches undertaken by central government, and discusses the role Auckland Council could have in addressing family violence. 

There are a range of options being considered by the Council regarding its contribution to reducing family violence, including:

  • Leadership through increased publicity of family violence across Auckland and within council to improve reporting and increase community intolerance of family violence
  • Contributing or leading a regional strategic approach to reducing family violence in Auckland
  • Co-ordinating regional and local action on family violence
  • Targeted funding for family violence services

The report was tabled at the Regional Development and Operations Committee which has made the following recommendations:

  • That the Regional Development & Operations Committee notes that the Council provides funding and officer support for the Waitakere Taskforce on Family Violence to provide strategic direction, co-ordinate local services and deliver family violence prevention outcomes in the Waitakere Ranges, Henderson-Massey and Whau local board areas.
  • That the Regional Development & Operations Committee notes that a regional hui is planned for September 2011 to discuss a violence prevention plan for the Auckland region to feed into the Auckland Plan and that officers will report the outcomes of the hui to the Social and Community Development Forum.
  • That the Regional Development & Operations Committee notes that any additional involvement by Council in family violence reduction is likely to require resources that are currently unbudgeted.
  • That the Regional Development & Operations Committee notes that Council’s community development, community assistance and regulatory activities may have direct or indirect benefits in reducing family violence in Auckland.

The report was written by Manoj Ragupathy, Manager of Community and Cultural Policy South.

The minutes and resolution from the committee meeting can be found here (Page 13).

The full document is available online via the Auckland Council website here (Page 61). 

Photo: iStockPhoto