Aroha in Action Family Violence Campaign

Wed 27 Jan 2010

Aroha in Action Family Violence Campaign is a television, radio and print campaign which is part of "E Tu Whanau Ora Programme of Action". Amokura, ...

Aroha in Action Family Violence Campaign is a television, radio and print campaign which is part of "E Tu Whanau Ora Programme of Action".

Amokura, It’s not OK Campaign, and SKIP have already produced a booklet called "Aroha in Action: A Resource for Whanau". The Campaign addresses what whanau can do to protect and nurture their mokopuna. It can be ordered for free from

There are six core themes for the campaign that have been developed:
Aroha - expression of love/feeling loved
Whanaungatanga - it's about whanau, being together, doing things together
Korero, awhi - open communication, being supportive
Mana, manaakitanga - uphold people's dignity/giving of yourself to others
Whakapapa - knowing who we are
Tikanga - doing things the right way according to our values
The Aroha in Action campaign will consist of:

A resource book written especially for whanau
Advertisements on Health TV
Advertisements on iwi radio
Advertisements in Mana Magazine.